Ontario eSchool Athlete Scholarship Program

General Information

  1. 【Athlete Scholarship Program 2021 - Online Briefing Session】has successfully concluded , please click below to review:​

  2. Application Procedure

    Interested athletes should complete the athlete application form [KL1] with all supporting documents and submit to their respective NSA for verification and nomination. After being vetted and nominated by NSA, athletes should submit the form and supporting documents to HKACED office by

    (1) Fax: 2890-9599; or

    (2) Email: [email protected]; or

    (3) Post : Room 1004, 1/F Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

    Form and proof of documentation to HKACED office. Incomplete or missing documents will not be accepted.
  3. Awardee Selection

    Awardees were selected according to their sports achievements, commitment to the scholarship and suitability to participate in the program.
    Applicant may be required to attend an interview by the Organiser.
    The Organiser reserves all rights to interpret/amend the rules and regulations, as well as to maintain the final decision on the results.


For application and selection enquiries, please contact HKACED at 2504 8188. 
For scholarship and course enquiries, please contact Ontario eSchool at 2393 8301.

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