Offer Letters

We have received over 200 offer letters since 2017. Amongst the students who have applied to universities in Canada, 85% have received entrance scholarships. 

Canada:   canada

UofT University of Toronto

 St George Campus 
 - Architectural Studies
 - Humanities
 - Kinesiology & Physical Education
 - Life Science (including Psychology)
 - Management
 - Physical & Mathematical Sciences
 - Rotman Commerce
 - Social Sciences
 - Social Sciences & Humanities
 - Social Studies

 Mississauga Campus 
 - Commerce (including Accounting, Finance, Marketing)
 - Communication, Culture, Information and Technology
 - Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics
 - Forensic Science
 - Life Science
 - Management
 - Psychological and Health Sciences
 - Psychology
 - Social Sciences
 - Studies in Management
 - Visual Studies and Performing Arts

 Scarborough Campus 
  - Humanities
 - Life Science (Co-op & Regular)
 - Physical and Environmental Sciences
 - Psychological and Health Science
 - Psychology
 - Social Sciences and Humanities (Co-op & Regular)
 - Visual and Performing Arts​
 - Communication, Culture, Information & Technology
 - Management (BBA) (co-op and regular)
 - Management and Accounting
 - Statistics


 Unknown University of British Columbia

 Main Campus  
 - Bachelor of Arts
​ - Bachelor of Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urbanism
 - Bachelor of Kinesiology
 - Bachelor of Science
 - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
 - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology​


 Mcmaster University  McMaster University

 - Automotive & Vehicle Engineering Technology I Co-op (B.Tech.)
 - Automation Systems Engineering Technology I Co-op (B.Tech.) 
 - Business I
 - Engineering I
 - Environmental and Earth Sciences
 - Humanities I
 - Kinesiology
 - Life Sciences Gateway
 - Mathematics and Statistics Gateway
 - Medical Radiation Sciences
 - Nursing I
 - Social Sciences I


 McGill_University_CoAsvg McGill University

 - BEd Physical Education
 - Probability and Statistics - Physical, Earth, Math, Computer Sciences Group

 university of alberta logo University of Alberta

​ - Electrical Engineering
 - Human Geography
 - Science in Engineering


 Waterloo University of Waterloo

 - Arts (Co-op and Regular)
 - Arts and Business (Co-op and Regular)
 - Environment and Business (Co-op only)
 - Geography and Aviation 
 - Geography and Environmental Management (Co-op and Regular)
 - Geomatics (Co-op and Regular)
 - Global Business and Digital Arts (Co-op only)
 - Health Sciences (Co-op and Regular)
 - Health Studies 
 - Kinesiology 
 - Life Sciences (Co-op and Regular)
 - Mathematics 
 - Planning (Co-op only)
 - Recreation and Leisure Studies (Co-op and Regular) 
 - Science and Aviation 


 York York University

 - Administration
 - Applied Mathematics
 - Arts Computer Security
 - Arts Digital Arts
 - Biology
 - Biology (Biomedical Science)
 - Children, Childhood & Youth Studies
 - Cinema and Media Studies
 - Cities, Regions, Planning
 - Commerce
 - Communication and Media Studies
 - Communication Studies
 - Computer Science
 - Criminology
 - Digital Media
 - Earth & Atmospheric Science
 - Economics
 - Engineering
 - Environmental Science
 - Financial & Business Economics
 - Global Political Studies
 - Human Resources Management
 - Human Rights & Equity Studies
 - Information Technology
 - Interdisciplinary Social Science (BA)
 - Kinesiology and Health Science (Health & Kinesiology)
 - Language and Linguistics
 - Law & Society
 - Mathematics
 - Physics & Astronomy
 - Psychology
 - Social Science
 - Social Work
 - Sociology
 - Sport Management
 - Statistics
 - Urban Studies​


 queens university Queen's University

 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) program
 - ​Bachelor of Applied Science program, Smith Engineering 
 - Bachelor of Applied Science/Machatronics and Robotics program
 - Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering - Innovation - including optional internship (BASc)
 - Computing
 - Engineering
 - Health Sciences
 - Kinesiology
 - Life Sciences
 - Life Sciences and Biochemistry
 - Music
 - Nursing Science
 - Science

 university of windsor University of Windsor

 - Business Adminstration 
 - Biological Sciences 
 - Psychology 
 - Bachelor of Arts Honours-Liberal & Professional Studies, Aeronautics Leadership Stream-Flight Option


 western Western University Canada

 - Arts and Humanities
 - Computer Science
 - Foods and Nutrition
 - Health Sciences
 - Kinesiology
 - King’s University College Finance and Wealth Management
 - Management and Organizational Studies
 - Management and Organizational Studies - Commercial Aviation Management
 - Media and Communication Studies
 - Media, Information and Technoculture
 - Medical Sciences
 - Nursing
 - Science (Biodiversity and Conservation)
 - Science - Actuarial Science, Bioinformatics, Finance Modeling, Information Systems
 - Social Science


 Ryerson_University_-_2016_school_year_logo Ryerson University

 - Biology 
 - Child and Youth Care 
 - Creative Industries 
 - Early Childhood Studies 
 - Environment and Urban Sustainability 
 - Hospitality and Tourism Management 
 - Medical Physics 
 - Professional Communication 
 - Sociology ​


 wilfred Laurier Wilfred Laurier University

 - Computer Science

 CarletonCarleton University 

 - Science: Honours
 - Computer Science


 UofG University of Guelph

 - Biological and Physical Science
 - Business Administration
 - Environmental Sciences
 - Hospitality and Tourism Management
 - Media and Communication Studies
 - Science (Animal Biology)
 - Veterinary Technology

 UofO  University of Ottawa

 - Honours Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies (Co-op)
 - Honours Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Co-op) 
 - Bachelor of Applied Science Mechanical Engineering (Co-op)
 - Bachelor of Applied Science Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Computing Technology
 - Biology
 - Communication & Sociology
 - Computer Science
 - Computer Science and Mathematics
 - Food and Nutrition Sciences
 - Nursing
 - Physics
 - Psychology​
 - Social Sciences in Criminology
 - Health Sciences
 - Mathematics


 1 Trent University

 - Computer Science (Honours Science)
 - Computing Systems & Media Studies (Honours Arts)


  2022-07-07 60220 Simon Fraser University 

 - Business Administration
 - Computer Science
 - Engineering
 - Health Sciences
 - Interactive Arts & Technology
 - Kinesiology
 - Science


  langara college logo Langara College

 - Environmental Studies
 - Political Science

  2022-07-07 60555 Concordia University

 - Bachelor of Arts (Major in Economics)

 toronto university metropolitan logo Toronto Metropolitan University

 - Business Management (Co-op available)
 - Creative Industries
 - Hospitality and Tourism Management (Co-op available)
 - Medical Physics
 - Nutrition and Food

 - Sociology (Co-op available)

 vancouver island university logo Vancouver Island University

 - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
 - Science

 UCalgary_Horizontal_logo_colour University of Calgary

 - Bachelor of Commerce - Marketing
 - Human Geography


 Kwantlen Polytechnic University

 - Faculty of Arts (Psychology)
 - Melville School of Business (Marketing Intended)


images University of Northern British Columbia

 - Computer Science

581_universityofvictoria University of Victoria

 - Computer Science


Hong Kong:   hk

 hku The University of Hong Kong

 - Bachelor of Arts 
 - Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artifical Intelligence 
 - Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology 
 - Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences 
 - Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance 
 - Bachelor of Economics and Finance 
 - Bachelor of Engineering
 - Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking 
 - Bachelor of Social Sciences
 - Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws 


 city u City University of Hong Kong

 - Bachelor of Department of Management Sciences
 - Bachelor of Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
 - Bachelor of Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
 - Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
 - Bachelor of Engineering - Nuclear and Risk (Engineering)


 CU The Chinese University of Hong Kong

 - Integrated BBA Programme & Juris Doctor

 BU Hong Kong Baptist University

 - Bachelor of Business Administration 
 - Bachelor of Science

 PolyU The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

 - BBA (HONS) Scheme In Management & Marketing
- BEng (HONS) Scheme In Aviation Engineering
 - BSc (HONS) Physiotherapy

 - BSc (HONS) Radiography

  2022-07-07 60713 Hong Kong Metropolitan University

 - Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design
 - Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance and Financial Technology

 - Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Hotel and Sustainable Tourism Management
 - Bachelor of Science with Honours in Cyber and Computer Security
 - Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology


LingnanUniversity_logo Lingnan University

 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Animcation and Digital Arts
 - Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)
 - Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science
 - Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Major in Social and Public Policy Studies



United Kingdom:   uk

 UCL logo University College London

 - International Social and Political Studies 

 university of edinburgh The University of Edinburgh

 - Psychology 

 Warwick  The University of Warwick

 - Psychology with Linguistics 
 - Law with Study Abroad in English 
 - Law 


 university of birmingham University of Birmingham

 - Artifical Intelligence and Computer Science  
 - Biomedical Science
 - Law

 - Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering 
 - Psychology


 university of leeds logo University of Leeds

 - Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
 - Geography


 manchester university The University of Manchester

 - Artifical Intelligence and Computer Science  
 - Geography
 - Psychology

 university of exeter University of Exeter

 - Computer Science
 - Law

 - Psychology


university of liverpool University of Liverpool

 - Computer Science 
 - Physiotherapy
 - Science - Physics 


 Cardiff_University_logo Cardiff University

 - Psychology with Professional Placement 

 university of southampton University of Southampton 

 - Aeronautics and Astronautics
 - Computer Science with Artifical Intelligence 

 Oxford Brookes University Oxford Brookes University

 - International Hospitality and Tourism Management 

 University_for_the_Creative_Arts_2015_logo University for the Creative Arts 

 - Fashion Design
 - Film Production


  2022-07-07 61008 King's College London, University of London

 - Biomedical Science
 - Geography
 - History
 - Social Sciences
 - Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences


  2022-07-07 60849 University of Bristol

 - Aerospace Engineering
 - Biomedical Sciences
 - Law
 - Psychology
 - Psychology in Education (BSc)


 uea-logo-university-of-east-anglia University of East Anglia 

 - Pharmacology and Drug Discovery

  2022-07-07 61052 University of Kent

 - Law

 172942 Queen Mary University of London

 - Global Law

 University-of-St-Andrews-logo University of St Andrews

 - Computer Science

 Durham_University_Logo 1 Durham University

 - Biological Sciences
 - Computer Science
 - Geography


 43fff0_e990bbf4aa734e2a926bcfd29ff2db99_mv2 University of Sheffield

 - Aerospace Engineering
 - Computer Science


 images Lancaster University

 - Business Management
 - Business Management (Entrepreneurship)
 - Computer Science
​ - Media and Cultural Studies
 - Social Work

  Bristol, University of the West of England

 - Business Management and Marketing

 university-of-york University of York

 - Business and Management
 - Computer Science


 Kingston_University_London_logo_320-desktop-black Kingston University

 - Media & Communication
 - Filmmaking


  1 University of Portsmouth

 - Television Production

  University of Brighton

 - Media Studies

 Bath-Uni-Logo University of Bath

 - Computer Systems Engineering
 - Engineering
 - Psychology

 loughborough uni logo Loughborough University

 - Aeronautical Engineering
 - Sport Science, Coaching and Physical Education


 university of surrey logo University of Surrey

 - Law
- Veterinary Biosciences

 liverpool john moores uni logo Liverpool John Moores University

 - Sport Psychology

 university of salford manchester logo University of Salford Manchester

 - Physiotherapy

 royal veteriary college logo Royal Veterinary College, University of London

 - Veterinary Medicine

 university of central lancashire University of Central Lancashire

 - Medicine

 manchester metropolitan university Manchester Metropolitan University

 - Physiotherapy

University of Buckingham University of Buckingham

 - Biomedical Science
 - Medicine

NU_Logo_Black-sq Northumbria University

 - Sports and Exercise Science

brunel-university-london2872 Brunel University London

 - Physiotherapy
 - Medicine


Australia:   AUS

 ANU Australian National University

 - History
 - International Security Studies


 1 The University of Queensland

 - Aerospace Engineering
 - Biomedical Science
 - Biomedical Science/Science
 - International Relations
 - Law
 - Physiotherapy
 - Social Work

 2 Monash University

 - Bachelor of Marketing

crest UNSW Sydney

 - Commerce
 - Social Sciences


Macquarie_University Macquarie University

 - Bachelor of Business Administration
 - Bachelor of Clinical Science


 3 University of Technology Sydney

 - Bachelor of Forensic Science
 - Social Work

UWA-Full-Ver-CMYK3 University of Western Australia

 - Doctor of Podiatric medicine

QUT Queensland University of Technology

 - Bachelor of Social Work

University of Tasmania University of Tasmania

 - Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine

uwa-university-of-western-australia2606 The University of Western Australia

 - Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

the-university-of-sydney-3-logo-png-transparent - TEDxSydney The University of Sydney

- Bachelor of Advanced Computing

Switzerland:   swit

 SHMS SHMS Swiss Hotel Management School (Leysin)

 - Bachelor of Arts 

China:   china

  XJTLU_Logo Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

 - Urban Planning and Design 

The Netherlands:   holland

 instituteLogo Radboud University

 - Computing Science 

 university of twente  University of Twente

 - Technical Computer Science 

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