Personal Management
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- use a self-assessment process to develop a personal profile for use in career development planning;
- evaluate and apply the personal-management skills and characteristics needed for school success, document them in their portfolio, and demonstrate their use in a variety of settings;
- demonstrate effective use of interpersonal skills within a variety of settings.
Exploration of Opportunities
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- use a research process to locate and select relevant career information from a variety of sources for inclusion in a portfolio;
- identify current trends in society and the economy and describe their effect on work opportunities and work environments;
- identify a broad range of options for present and future learning,work,and community involvement.
Preparation for Transitions and Change
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- use appropriate decision-making and planning processes to set goals and develop a career plan;
- analyse changes taking place in their personal lives, their community, and the economy, and identify strategies to facilitate smooth transitions during change;
- demonstrate an understanding of,and the ability to prepare for,the job-search process.
More please click : GLC2O - Career Studies dragged